Meeting on Monday May 17th follow up on old Welsh houses

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Meeting on Monday May 17th follow up on old Welsh houses

Post by QuentinDeakin »

At the meeting on Monday 17th May the speaker, John Lloyd Jones, extended April’s theme of historic houses in Meirionnydd. John set the story of Hendy farm within the context of the eighteenth and nineteenth-century development of the local area. The talk was entertaining, enlightening and wide-ranging and was much appreciated.

After the break the secretary, Quentin Deakin, gave a brief account of the recent work he had completed with the editor of the History Points app to develop coverage of sites in the Tywyn area. He also reported on the value of the society’s website as a means of enabling those living at a distance to follow up historical family contacts with exchange of information and a guided visit -in this case the grandson of a soldier stationed at Neptune camp in the Second World War.
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