Xmas21 meal & talks on Borrow & lady visitors to Snowdon

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Xmas21 meal & talks on Borrow & lady visitors to Snowdon

Post by QuentinDeakin »

December 2021 Christmas meal and meeting

After careful consideration the society decided to go ahead with its annual Christmas meal on Monday December 20th at the Talyllyn’s King’s Cafe in Tywyn, booked before the arrival of Omicron in Britain. Every possible safety measure was followed, each household occupying a well distanced separate table. The members enjoyed an excellent traditional Christmas dinner with the addition of crackers, generously provided as a surprise extra.

Before the meal there was a brief meeting in a separate room where Quentin and Liz Deakin continued the theme of visitors to Snowdonia, the subject of Michael Freeman’s November lecture. Quentin gave a brief talk on the subject of George Borrow’s tour of Wales and with Liz performed two light-hearted scenes, one of Borrow’s ascent of Snowdon with his step-daughter Henrietta and the second depicting his stay at Ponterwyd at what is now called the George Borrow Hotel after this famous author of Wild Wales. Liz followed with a short talk on lady visitors to Snowdonia based on diaries from the late eighteenth century to the coming of the railways. It was good to be able to welcome members of the society who have been unable to access Zoom meetings. Again, safety was the priority and masks were worn by spectators.
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