Darwin family in Merionnydd and Origins of the People of Wales Oct 16 2023

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Darwin family in Merionnydd and Origins of the People of Wales Oct 16 2023

Post by QuentinDeakin »


Dear member,

We will be following up Dr Lyons' excellent presentation on Darwin and Race with two illustrated talks at our next meeting on October 16th. New member Steven Gartside will lead off with 'Charles Darwin and his family in South Meirionnydd' and I will follow with my own take on 'Origins' - 'Origins of the people of Wales', going way back into our oddly named 'pre-history'. We don't have a poster yet, but the attached should give you some flavour of the subjects to be considered. The grave is that of Amy Richarda Ruck Darwin in Corris.

On the subject of flavours, I can confirm the date of the Christmas meal as December 14th. We should have more information at the meeting about menu choices and prices.

This is also the time of year when I collect your preferences for the programme of talks for next year (members only). I will be giving out forms to complete at the meeting.

Best regards,

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